The Road Map
Ever wonder where you are on your financial road map? How about where you should be on your road map? We can help you discover and pinpoint your financial goals. Better yet, we can help you set up and manage a plan to help you reach those goals.
Common goals
There are many goals we commonly discuss with our clients during certain stages of their lives. Contact us to discuss your where you are on your unique path and how we can help you get where you want to be.
Age 20-30
Build your Credit
Start emergency fund and savings fund
Begin paying student loans
Be financially independent
Buy a car
Age 30-40
Wedding / Marriage savings
Children / Pregnancy costs
Buying a home
Pay off non-mortgage debt
Participate in retirement accounts (especially at work)
Age 40-50
Life insurance
Investing for future
Divorce / alimony
Credit card debt control
Care for aging relatives
Children education funding & financing
Building retirement accounts
Age 50-60
Preparations for retirement (max out contributions, re-balance portfolio, consolidate accounts, etc.)
Pay off mortgage
Have trusted attorney and accountant
Have a Will, Power of Attorney, and possibly a trust.
Age 70+
Enjoying retired life in a financially responsibly way
Income needs and analysis
Required Minimum Distributions (RMD)
End of life planning
Gift giving (family & 501c3’s)
Legacy planning
Age 60-70
Reach retirement savings goals
Sell unneeded assets
Business Succession
Estate planning
“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there. ”